Sabonews: Hero Dishonest: Kaikki Hajoaa 7'' is out now!!

Good Evening,

hope you are all doing fine…no time to waste… here are the news…

Hero Dishonest: Kaikki Hajoaa 7’’ is out now…since i wasn´t involved in the last LP, wich is great of course…, i`m really happy to help releasing this new 7’’. Simply one of the best Hardcore/Punk bands around…
Hero Dishonest will tour the US again this April…please find the tourdates and infos below…
check this out…
order here

Arctic Flowers: Weaver LP is delayed again till may…because of Record Store Day…i found this really good article about it… read it here why RSD sucks…
you can stream/download the record here

Sonic Avenues will tour Europe again in may… they announcend a new record for Dirtnap, entiteld ‹ ‹ Mistakes › ›…the record will be out April 15th…check out the new song ‹ ‹ Automatic › ›’’ They will tour with Needles//Pins

La Urss will tour Europe in April…after that they will record a new LP for Sabotagerecords in July…

Autistic Youth: Graves 7’’ is still hot…another coop with Taken by Surprise Records… hell yeah!!!
please check the info below…stream/download it here
I added some Merch Leftovers from the tour to the shop…

The Estranged: S/T LP + The Estranged: Type Foundry Session Vol.1 LP are still hot…
Dirtnap Records will do the North American version, wich should be out soon…

You can stream and download both records on the Sabotage bandcamp site

Limited Silkscreen Mailorder Version of The Estranged: S/T LP is still available from the shop.
I also added some Merch Leftovers from the tour to the shop…

check out the online shop.

up the punks



Out Now:

Sabo65 - Hero Dishonst: Kaikki Hajoaa 7’’

« Hero Dishonest is a never slowing and uncompromising hardcore machine from Helsinki, Finland. The band celebrates its 15th year with a brand new 7 » and a US tour. The ep titled « Kaikki hajoaa » (Everything falls apart) throws in four blasts of pure hardcore punk and a Proletariat cover. Hero Dishonest has stayed outside of the old hardcore cliches and built a sound and style of their own mixing elements of noise rock, hardcore punk and some fresh experimenting. The 7" is a joint release with Sabotage Records, If Society (Fin), Peterwalkee Records (US) and Läjä Records (Bra)."


Hero Dishonest US Tour 2014

Friday April 25 - Philadelphia PA
Saturday April 26 - Richmond VA
Sunday April 27 - Washington DC
Monday April 28 - Pittsburgh PA Tuesday
April 29 - Columbus OH
Wednesday April 30 - Detroit MI
Thursday May 1 - Buffalo NY
Friday May 2 - Albany NY
Saturday May 3 - NYC-ABC NO RIO

Sonic Avenues + Needles//Pins Euro Tour 2014

06-05-2014: Cologne (DE) @ Sonic Ballroom
07-05-2014: Berlin (DE) @ Cortina Bob
08-05-2014: Aachen (DE) @ AZ
09-05-2014: Rotterdam (NL) @ Rotterdam Riot
10-05-2014: Osnabruck (DE) @ Substanz
11-05-2014: Bremen (DE) @ Sielwallhaus
12-05-2014: Hamburg (DE) @ Hafenklang
13-05-2014: Heemskerk (NL) @ Cafe Lokaal
14-05-2014: Tubingen (DE) @ Epplehaus
15-05-2014: Innsbruck (AT) @ PMK
16-05-2014: Ostrava (CZ) @ Plan B
17-05-2014: Roznov Pod Radhostem (CZ) @ Vrah
18-05-2014: Munich (DE) @ Kafe Kult
19-05-2014: Vienna (AUS) @ Arena
20-05-2014: Budapest (HU) @ Trafik Klub
22-05-2014: San Sebastian (ESP) @ Le Bukowski
23-05-2014: Castellon (ESP) @ Four Seasons Club
24-05-2014: Valencia (ESP) @ Loco Club
25-05-2014: Malaga (ESP) @ Velvet Club
26-05-2014: Madrid (ESP) @ Rock Place
27-05-2014: Oviedo (ESP) @ La Calleja La Ciega
28-05-2014: Zaragozza (ESP) @ Pub Eccos

La Urss Euro Tour 2014

10.04.2014 at Rock Palace, Madrid (SP)
11.04.2014 at El Hangar, Barcelona (SP)
12.04.2014 at Le Trokson, Lyon (FR)
13.04.2014 at Epplehaus, Tübinguen (DE)
14.04.2014 at Zoro, Leipzig (DE)
15.04.2014 at Koma F, Berlin (DE)
16.04.2014 at SWH, Bremen (DE)
17.04.2014 at OCCII, Amsterdam (NL)
18.04.2014 at The Pit’s - Bang Zoom Noise Produktions VZW, Kortrijk (BE)
19.04.2014 at Maison Mimir, Estrasburgo (FR)
20.04.2014 at Les Pavillons Sauvages, Tolouse (FR)
21.04.2014 at Gaztetxe del Antiguo, Donosti (EH)

Upcoming records:
Arctic Flowers: Weaver LP
Rapid Loss: new record
Hysterese: new record
La Urss: new record