Against Me NEW WAVE

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moi je trouve que c’est un bon album, et justement le fait que ce soit different et pas un n ieme copié collé n’est pas un mal, et toput ça parce que desormais trois connard en plus ecouterons ce groupe que ce sont des vendus ou je ne sais quoi ! J’ai ecouté l’album et je doute qu’aucune des compos ne soit une vraie reference rock grand public ambiance manchine a pognon !

Le dernier est bien, les mecs avaient envie de faire un ruic plus pop car tres plaisant a jouer basta, je ne vois pas ou ça sent la thune, certes ça reflete moins la rage des premiers …

une chanson comme stop est incroyable mais elle pu un peu le rock tendance du moment un peu repompe gang of four / punk dansant.

Ta gueule toi, retourne écouter Dragonforce !

An album as anticipated as this one is daunting to approach. It’s tempting to write some sort of treatise on Against Me!'s place in the punk scene (if there is one), the nature of independent versus major labels, the « punk ghetto, » and a whole heft of other topics. The one thing that all of these topics – which are sure to be covered here, there and elsewhere – miss the real point, which is the music.

The album starts out with the title track, « New Wave. » While the name implies something innovative, the song delivers little of anything new or interesting from the band. The chorus is bland, the drumming repetitive and obnoxious and the general feel exhausted. The subject matter, sadly, is more of the same self-obsession that we saw so prevalent on Searching for a Former Clarity. « Up the Cuts » follows with its similar subject matter – what appears to be an indictment of the music industry from all sides. A later track, « Piss and Vinegar » approaches the same sort of commentary and quite frankly it all just falls flat. I’m personally just not interested in hearing a grown man complain about the politics of the music industry while he is digging himself deeper and deeper into them with each interview, music video and ill-placed duet he places on an album.

The lead single, « White People for Peace, » feels moderately out of place on the album, along with the previously live-only release « Americans Abroad. » Both songs feature a more « traditional » Against Me! approach, although both come across hollow in the end. « White People » is particularly frustrating given that the band rose to popularity singing « protest songs in response to military aggression » themselves. There’s an air of smug « insight » that runs through the album, serving more to frustrate and insult the listener than educate them in any way.

There are standout tracks on the album. Well, standout in a way that demands attention, negative as it may be. « Stop » features quite possibly the most obnoxious combination of repeated phrases and drumbeat since the Bee Gees’ debuted « Stayin’ Alive. » This combined with the worn out subject matter of the music industry and all the woes found within, I wonder if the band really did stop and take some time to think about what the hell they were doing here. « Animal » and « Ocean » close the album in a bizarre fashion. The former sounds like an excerpt from an early 90s Stone Temple Pilots cover band. It’s so out of place and left field that it falls flat on its face. « Ocean » is a grower. First it grows on you with its long, flowing narrative, then it falls off you as you realize Against Me! have produced the « punk rock » version of R. Kelly’s « Trapped in the Closet, » an 18-part tribute to Mr. Kelly’s amazing ability to weave a 45-minute-long story without actually engaging the listener at any point. Quite frankly, the pretension combined with the lack of anything interesting going on musically is enough to kill my interest.

The much-anticipated duet with Tegan of Tegan and Sara is frustrating. The voices are barely able to play off each other as they weave a sophomoric story of love and distance. Again, it’s simply not engaging to the listener. It sounds as if they took a similar route to Less Than Jake’s last album and brought in some industry « hit writers » for this song. I think there was real potential here, as Tegan’s voice is beautiful and could have provided a nice contrast to Tom’s wailing; however, missed potential seems to be the name of the game here.

Though all is not lost, one supposes. The song « Thrash Unreal » features a great opening with its solid drumbeat and story of a worn-out drug addict looking for redemption. You can’t help but feel as Tom cries « They don’t know nothing about redemption, they don’t nothing about recovery, » that he’s speaking about himself in some manner. This song is the shining star, although by the end of the song the lyrics have petered out, giving us the limp attack of « she can still hear the ‹ Rebel Yell › just as loud as it was in 1983 » and it threatens to fall apart. Thankfully, the chorus is strong enough to carry you out feeling good when repeated ad naseum for a good 30 seconds.

Once the scene politics are gone, the 12" remixes forgotten and we all get over ourselves, the only thing that matters is the music. Sadly, it seems like Against Me! forgot that this time around, opting instead for rehashed and clichéd melodies and subject matters. They found themselves poised to deliver an album that proved that the « punk ghetto » was holding them back, that they could write an album without relying on some sort of veiled meta-critique of their own actions or that they still had the lyrical and musical magic that captured so many kids in so many basements, clubs and bars as they truly changed the landscape of the punk scene a scant four years ago. Sadly, they delivered a watered-down album full of rehashed themes, misplaced grabs at commercial play and a truckload of questionable choices in stylistic tangents.

Que je sois sûr, il est donc de bon ton de dire que l’album est pourri pour être bien comme il faut dans la scène?

puriste de merde, et dragonforce c’est pas moi !

oui mais là encore ils rempliront jamais bercy, pas des rock stars les mecs ! Et merde la chanson sonne bien et basta, les mecs avaient envi de jouer ça et hop fini, de la à dire sa sent la thune, pas la sueur … moins argneux mais voulu surement, un choix de leur part ! A aucun moment en ecoutant l’album me suis dit " quel bande de connard on va les retrouver sur M6 rock 15 fois par jour, et meme si ça arrive je prefere ça à la daube rap/r’n’b/ rock qui est servi sur n’importe quel support media !

et toc! ramasse tes dents…
tout à fait d’accord avec toi! cet album est bon, les zics sont bonnes, pt’être le son un peu trop lisse? mais qu’importe, ça sonne et la voix de Tom vaut à elle seule la qualité de ce skeud.

Non mais c’est pas DIY donc ça suce…

Que quelqu’un me mp merci!

C’est un bon disque. C’est juste pas un très bon album d’Against Me!.. Peut être qu’en le réécoutant je changerai d’avis mais je sais pas il manque un truc quoi…

ça manque de nichons

nan c pas non plus ce que je dis. searching est un excellent album, ouvert, pas punk, avec des chansons terribles. cet album new wave est très sympa, mais je le trouve trop dans la tendance actuelle et un poil éloigné du son against me. de toute façon comme ils l ont si bien dit eux même « Even At Our Worst We’re Still Better Than Most »

C’est pourtant leur meilleure galette depuis le crime EP…

nan ca c’est searching for a former clarity.

En tout cas le live sur le « bonus dvd » sonne bien moche, mon dieu cette batterie

t as la version double ???

Oui, tu devrais l’avoir dans pas longtemps :wink:


N’importe quoi, leur meilleur c’est As The Eternal Cowboy.